Archer Season 2

Friday, January 28, 2011

‘Archer’ is back with more hilarious banter, risque spy genre situations, and more action than season 1. Check out our review and discussion of the ‘Archer’ season 2 premiere “Swiss Miss”. Like with films, most viewers have a pronounced slant toward television animation. The majority see the form as something slightly less than. Bring up The Simpsons and they’ll probably tell you they like it (or at least did at one point), argue its merits against a Seinfeld or a Newhart and you’ll likely be laughed out of the room. It’s good for what it is, but… That’s the common refrain, at least from one end of the spectrum. Then again, the other side is no better. Be honest: you know someone that sucks up cartoons faster than a seven year old that finally got the straw into his Capri Sun. He obsesses over Aqua Teen and Family Guy and yells at you because you haven’t seen every episode of The Boondocks. Lately, he’s probably been telling you about this Archer show, saying things like it should have been nominated for Best Comedy Series. Here’s the thing: neither side is right. 

Yes, the big set piece of 'Swiss Miss' was the long scene in which Archer rode a snowmobile with the spoiled heiress, picking off bad guys while treating her to an impromptu therapy session. I couldn't help but greatly enjoy this energetic sequence, given that it recalled a similar Princess Leia chase scene on the forest moon of Endor. But more than that, the snowmobile scene offered an example of what 'Archer' does at its best: It mixes things that aren't normally mixed together, with sublime results.